26 - 28 June 2024

HiGHS Workshop 2024

Edinburgh, UK

Welcome to the first HiGHS Workshop! 

The goal of this event is to bring together users and hosts of HiGHS

HiGHS Workshop 2024

The first HiGHS workshop will take place on June 26-28, 2024,  in Edinburgh, UK.


The aim of this workshop is to bring users and supporters of HiGHS  together. With major industrial and academic users already committed to attending, this will be an opportunity to make connections with other HiGHS users and help shape the project's future. 

How do I attend?

To attend the HiGHS workshop, you must purchase a ticket. Tickets are free for PhD Students. Ticket sales are now open! 

Numbers for the dinner at Scotts are limited to 34, so dinner for students will be at a venue to be arranged by local PhD students attending the workshop. Due to late registrations and the number of true guest bookings being uncertain, we may not be able to offer places at the dinner to anyone registering after 14 June.

How do I give a talk?

We invite participants to present work related to HiGHS. We particularly encourage users to share examples of solving problems of different origin and complexity, arising from either academic or industry projects, or anything in between! Please specify in the registration form if you are interested in giving a talk. There will be a separate form for talk titles and abstracts.

If you have an idea for a talk and are not sure if it will be of interest, please get in touch with us by writing to highsopt@gmail.com.


A list of speakers is on the Speakers page and details about presentations are on the Schedule page.


The Workshop will be hosted in the central campus of the University of Edinburgh. For more details see the Location page.

The workshop is organised by Ivet Galabova and Julian Hall. To contact us, please write to highsopt@gmail.com.

Follow the link below for registration!